I have been searching for several hours for a basic JSTL answer with no
luck.  From what I can tell, JSTL is under the umbrella of Tomcat.
Hopefully someone can help me out.

I simply want to use an existing already-parsed DOM (org.w3c.dom.Document
variable) with JSTL XML tags.  In other words, I want to skip the x:parse
step and just tell x:out and all of the other x tags to pull data from my
pre-existing pre-parsed DOM:

       Document myDOM;  // already built by another part of the code

I understand basic xpath stuff.  But I'm not sure how to tell it to use a
standard local java variable for the DOM.

I've tried   <x:out select="$myDOM/aaaaa/bbbbb"/>  and <x:out

Both give me errors that seem to say it doesn't find a DOM.

Every example I can find always assumes I want to start with a true
non-parsed XML document.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.  But can someone please help me out
with the correct syntax?



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