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On 7/2/13 12:09 PM, Majors, Jeremy wrote:
> When I run Jmeter requests consistently against website1 and then 
> deploy the new version of the web site (website1##002) I do not
> see any active sessions for website##002 in tomcat manager even
> after website1##002 is fully loaded.  Please note that if I open up
> a new safari browser window and access website1#002 then I do see
> an active session.

Are you sure that JMeter is creating new "users" during its test?
Usually JMeter is configured to execute a workflow and preserve
cookies, just as a real user with a browser would. So, if you have 100
users running your test(s) indefinitely, you'll only get 100 sessions
no matter what. If they all are created before you deploy your new
webapp version, then those sessions will remain attached to the old
version (that's how parallel deployment works).

> What is confusing me at this point is that if I deploy a WAR using 
> the auto deployment method (copying the myapp.war into the webapps 
> folder) and then deploy a new version using the same mechanism 
> (myapp##002.war) then I do see the users automatically migrated to 
> the new version when running my Jmeter tests.  Please note that
> this behavior (immediate migration) is what we desire.

I think you need to look carefully at what is really happening. It's
not clear from above how you are triggering a parallel deployment in
each case. It basically sound like you are saying "while it does not
work, it actually does". Please be clear about what you are doing when
you think it works and what you are doing when you think it doesn't work.

Also tell us what you expect and why, and what happens instead.

> In addition to the fact that when the migration of users occurs is 
> different, I am also seeing a huge discrepancy between the number
> of sessions that tomcat manager says are currently active when I
> deploy using the folder approach vs. the automatic deployment
> approach. When using the folder approach the number of sessions
> always matches the number of users (via a thread group) in Jmeter.
> However, when I use the automatic deployment process the number of
> sessions continues to grow as I allow Jmeter to run longer (at one
> point I had thousands of sessions).

Do your JMeter "users" ever log out?

- -chris
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