Unfortunately I don't have any information -- just related questions.

1. For someone currently using Apache httpd+mod_jk to load balance
   requests, what does one do about load balancing WebSockets requests
   between Tomcat instances?
     * As Andre alluded to, the only mention of websocket handling in
       Apache httpd really appears to be in its infancy.
     * It would kind of seem like mod_jk should be expanded to deal
       with WebSockets...
     * In any case, there would still be questions as to how this
       interacts with mod_jk within the same web app.
2. Any other browser considerations beyond requiring IE 10+? Are
   relatively recent Chrome, Firefox, and Safari WebSocket ready?
3. How well do WebSockets play with existing network infrastructure?
     * IP load balancers
     * HTTP(S) forward and reverse proxy servers
     * Timeouts (idle, response, etc...)

   In general, if WebSockets don't just "get along with" existing
   network infrastructure in this regard but rather place requirements
   and restrictions upon it to function properly, then it will be a
   while before those of us who need to deploy a single solution into
   many disparate environments can leverage WebSockets in any
   substantive fashion.

Jess Holle

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