I'm obviously new to Tomcat.  Got it working fine on localhost, now trying
to get it to deliver web pages to the outside world.

Following instructions found in various places I added the following to the
server.xml file and restarted Tomcat:
<Host name="books-on-line.com" appBase="webapps">
      <Context path'"" docBase="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\" />

Chrome, Firefox and even tried IE from another machine -- all say they
can't connect.

Tomcat version: Whatever comes with Railo 4
OS: Windows 7 - 64 bit
Computer: HP DL385

The docBase is the same as with localhost which works.

I've tried changing the host "name" to www.books-on-line.com - same result.

I've set the IP address to match the IP address for our online server and
simply moved the cable from the online server (which works using XP and
IIS) to the HP machine.

Is there something else I'm supposed to do?

Did I do something stupid?


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