Am 2013-08-22 17:48, schrieb Konstantin Kolinko:
2013/8/22 Daniel Mikusa <>:
On Aug 21, 2013, at 4:09 PM, David kerber <> wrote:

Basically you're trying to defeat the way the system is designed to work.  
Don't do that…

+1 Don't do what you've described unless you have a very good reason.  It will 
cause you many headaches.

Keep all of your JAR files in "WEB-INF/lib", with the exception of JDBC drivers.  Put 
those in "$CATALINA_BASE/lib".



Adding webapp libraries to the common classloader (by placing them
into ${catalina.base}/lib or by modifying the definition of
common.loader) is a bad idea.
(as documented and as discussed many times on this mailing list)

IF you want to decouple libraries from your war,  add them to your
webapp's classpath, by configuring a VirtualWebappLoader ,

Very decent tip for this loader. Does the Javadoc warning

"This is not meant to be used for production. Its meant to ease development with IDE's without the need for fully republishing jars in WEB-INF/lib"

still count?


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