alternatively try an explicit address in the
Receiver configuration

instead of address="auto" try address=""
this should alter the log displayed at start-up and I would be very
interested if you still had a problem.

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Vince Stewart <>wrote:

> Hi Nicholas,
> I'm am a bit of a novice but I did have a very similar problem when I
> started using the clustering modules.
> My Tomcat output was referring to localhost (10.x.x.x) addresses while my
> netstat was reporting LISTEN on network addresses (192.x.x.x:400?).
> You have the same disparity. My system operated to expectation after I
> registered my machine's network IP address in linux folder /etc/hosts.
> Once I did that tomcat clustering logs started reporting membership with
> network addresses instead of localhost addresses.
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Mark Eggers <>wrote:
>> On 9/18/2013 6:00 AM, Nicholas Violi wrote:
>>> Thanks Daniel.
>>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Daniel Mikusa <
>>> >wrote:
>>>> Tried a quick two node setup on my Mac w/out HTTPD and it worked OK.  Go
>>>> to one Tomcat instance's port in chrome, it increments the counter in my
>>>> app.  Refresh a few times.  Open a second tab, go to the second Tomcat
>>>> instance's port.  The counter picks up where it left off and continues
>>>> incrementing.   Flipping back and forth between tabs / servers works
>>>> fine.
>>>> Here's the cluster config that I used in case it helps.
>>>>               <Cluster channelSendOptions="8"
>>>>   className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.tcp.**SimpleTcpCluster">
>>>>                  <Manager
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.session.**DeltaManager"
>>>>                           expireSessionsOnShutdown="**false"
>>>>                           notifyListenersOnReplication="**true"/>
>>>>                  <Channel
>>>> className="org.apache.****GroupChannel">
>>>>                      <Membership address=""
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.tribes.membership.**McastService"
>>>>                                  dropTime="3000"
>>>>                                  frequency="500"
>>>>                                  port="45564"/>
>>>>                      <Receiver address="auto"
>>>>                                autoBind="100"
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.tribes.transport.nio.**NioReceiver"
>>>>                                maxThreads="6"
>>>>                                port="4000"
>>>>                                selectorTimeout="5000"/>
>>>>                      <Sender
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.tribes.transport.**
>>>> ReplicationTransmitter">
>>>>                          <Transport
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.tribes.transport.nio.**
>>>> PooledParallelSender"/>
>>>>                      </Sender>
>>>>                      <Interceptor
>>>> className="org.apache.****interceptors.**
>>>> TcpFailureDetector"/>
>>>>                      <Interceptor
>>>> className="org.apache.****interceptors.**
>>>> MessageDispatch15Interceptor"/**>
>>>>                  </Channel>
>>>>                  <Valve
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.tcp.**ReplicationValve"
>>>>                         filter=""/>
>>>>                  <Valve
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.session.**JvmRouteBinderValve"/>
>>>>                  <ClusterListener
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.session.**
>>>> JvmRouteSessionIDBinderListene**r"/>
>>>>                  <ClusterListener
>>>> className="org.apache.**catalina.ha.session.**ClusterSessionListener"/>
>>>>              </Cluster>
>>> Just tried this with the same results. My test that replication is
>>> behaving
>>> is accessing my webapp on the two ports and monitoring the session
>>> counter
>>> and list in the tomcat manager, and as I said before, I can only see the
>>> sessions created on the server attached to the manager instance. Is that
>>> a
>>> reasonable test? With the clustering config pretty well ruled out as the
>>> culprit, maybe my webapp is not dealing with sessions appropriately?
>>> Would
>>> you mind sending me your counter test app?
>>> Beyond that, have you tried increasing the log levels?
>>> I found conflicting information about enabling logging. What I had
>>> previously was
>>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**MESSAGES = FINE
>>> in, which was reporting the FINE log statements in my
>>> original post. I just added some more:
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.**session.level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.**session.DeltaManager.level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.**level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.**level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.**ReplicationValve.level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.**session.**ClusterSessionListener.level = FINE
>>> org.apache.catalina.ha.**session.**JvmRouteSessionIDBinterListene**r.level
>>> = FINE
>>> And I still don't see any messages when interacting with the webapp in
>>> the
>>> browser. Are there any other classes I should be logging?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nick
>> Copy-pasted from a message I sent to the mailing list about 3 weeks ago:
>> It's been a while since I've played with this, so your mileage may vary.
>> # wrapped for easier reading
>> # added one additional handler
>> handlers =**FileHandler,
>>  **FileHandler,
>>  **FileHandler,
>>            4host-manager.or.apache.juli.**FileHandler,
>>             java.util.logging.**ConsoleHandler,
>>  **FileHandler
>> # just the new cluster log handler - all others are stock
>> #
>> # beware of the wrapping
>>**FileHandler.level = FINER
>>** = ${catalina.base}/logs
>>**FileHandler.prefix = cluster.
>> # just the clustering logs - all others are stock
>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**MESSAGES.level = FINE
>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**MESSAGES.handlers =
>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**level = FINE
>> org.apache.catalina.tribes.**handlers =
>> org.apache.catalina.ha.level = FINE
>> org.apache.catalina.ha.**handlers =**FileHander
>> org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.**level = INFO
>> org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.**handlers =
>> Set logging at the desired level.
>> I think I've posted this to the mailing list before . . .
>> /mde/
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> --
> Vince Stewart

Vince Stewart

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