Hi there,

I'm receiving the following exception:

java.net.SocketException: "Permission denied": connect

when instantiating a Socket from a servlet:

final Socket smtpSocket = new Socket(mailTransportHost, mailTransportPort);

This application was running as a service under Windows Server 3003 R2
32-bits. After migrating it to Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit, I cannot
longer establish connection with the smtp server.

This only happen when running Tomcat as a service.
Running as a standalone (starting it up using startup.bat) works fine. No
exception instantiating Socket, emails are sent.


   - Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
   - Tomcat 7.0.39
   - jdk1.6.0_33-x64

Any help would be much appreciated

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