Springs over-use of CGLib for Interfaces is a memory consumer
Retask CGLib Proxy to JDKProxy to create your Impl classes for @Before advised 

proxyTargetClass: false

Similarly using JavaAssist with Hibernate reduced memory footprint over CGLib 





Dale: How did Mattias Jiderhamn's library help?



> Subject: Fix your web application so it can cleanly un-deploy and re-deploy - 
> how?
> Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 11:50:03 +1300
> From: dale_ogil...@trimble.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Chris made the following good suggestion in another thread:
> "Can I make a suggestion? Fix your web application so it can cleanly 
> un-deploy and re-deploy and then simply do a hot deployment?"
> I've been down this track with our own Spring web apps and found it to be 
> quite a deep rabbit hole where a number of 3rd party libs are used. We get 
> the issue where the webapp classloader is not GC'ed due to classes in the 
> libraries we use not being terminated cleanly. Which means we get a big 
> permgen memory leak when we redeploy the app. The "occasional tomcat restart" 
> workaround is effective, if nasty.
> I did what Chris suggested for one of our apps and I think I got to 3rd party 
> library problem number FIVE (an oracle jdbc driver connection timer) before I 
> gave up in disgust. As I recall undisposed thread locals were a common theme. 
> I used various strategies to resolve the prior issues in things as simple as 
> logging frameworks, JMS queuing libraries, underlying http client code etc. 
> Strategies such as:
> 1. Specifically calling a low level library finalization routine in a context 
> listener or Spring lifecycle bean
> 2. Updating the 3rd party library to a later version which fixed the leak
> 3. Including Mattias Jiderhamn's active leak prevention library
> I would so love it if Tomcat could just throw away the entire webapp memory 
> footprint on undeploy... Tomcat 7x memory leak protection wasn't good enough 
> for our app a few months ago.
> Or failing that, if anyone can share successful strategies for "Fixing your 
> web application so it can cleanly un-deploy and re-deploy" please do.
> Dale
> Ref: http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/MemoryLeakProtection
> Ref: https://github.com/mjiderhamn/classloader-leak-prevention
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
> Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2013 10:44 a.m.
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: how to bounce tomcat remote?
> <snip>
> Can I make a suggestion? Fix your web application so it can cleanly un-deploy 
> and re-deploy and then simply do a hot deployment?
> <snip>
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