2013/11/18 Nick Williams <nicho...@nicholaswilliams.net>:

>> Regarding the list() example,
>> "map(u -> [u.username, u.firstName, u.lastName])"  creates a
>> List<Object>  with 3 elements and you are asking for "lastName"
>> property on that list.
> No, this is not correct. The lambda expression "u -> [u.username, 
> u.firstName, u.lastName]" RETURNS a List<Object>. But "u" is a User. I am 
> creating a List<Object> where the first element is the user's username, the 
> second element is the user's first name, and the third element is the user's 
> last name. That is completely valid. It is also essentially identical to 
> Section's example "p->[p.name, p.unitPrice]."
>> It is no wonder that it results in NumberFormatException. (Whether
>> there should be other handling for wrong property name here, I do not
>> know. One should look into what resolvers are being used here).
> It should not result in any exception. It should work, because the syntax is 
> valid, as explained above. :-)

You apply map() which replaces each user with a list [u.username,
u.firstName, u.lastName].

Then you try to apply sorted() to that list. That sorted() fails as it
cannot evaluate "u1.lastName.compareTo(u2.lastName)".

As I said - provide a simple example.

>>>>> Section of the specification uses the following example, where a 
>>>>> LIST literal is used as the right-hand side of the mapping lambda 
>>>>> expression:
>>>>> products.stream().filter(p->p.unitPrice >= 10).
>>>>>       .map(p->[p.name, p.unitPrice])
>>>>>       .toList()
>>>>> I tried to use this exact syntax, as shown in the spec, with my example:
>>>>>       ${users.stream()
>>>>>              .filter(u -> fn:contains(u.username, '1'))
>>>>>              .map(u -> [u.username, u.firstName, u.lastName])
>>>>>              .sorted((u1, u2) -> u1.lastName.compareTo(u2.lastName) == 0 
>>>>> ? u1.firstName.compareTo(u2.firstName) : 
>>>>> u1.lastName.compareTo(u2.lastName))
>>>>>              .toList()}
>>>>> And now I get this lovely error:
>>>>> javax.el.ELException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 
>>>>> "lastName"
>>>>>       javax.el.BeanELResolver.invoke(BeanELResolver.java:185)
>>>>> org.apache.jasper.el.JasperELResolver.invoke(JasperELResolver.java:147)
>>>>>       org.apache.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(AstValue.java:158)
>>>>>       ...
>> Best regards,
>> Konstantin Kolinko
> Thanks,
> Nick
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