Since upgrading to 7.0.47 from 7.0.42, I've seen a very severe
performance hit during startup.

One Tomcat instance with a lot of webapps slowed down from ~33 seconds
to ~180 seconds. It appears to be related to jar-scanning - If I
tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip to *.jar, startup
performance is actually about 10% better than before, but with the
expected app-breakage. If I go and modify jarsToSkip to manually
exclude only the jars I know should be excluded, performance is near
normal - about 10-15% worse than 7.0.42 which is acceptable but
obviously could still be better.

I've reviewed the changelog between 7.0.42 and 7.0.47, but can't find
anything that might cause this.

All the deployed apps are using servlet api 2.5.

I've reviewed the FasterStartUp startup wiki and the apps already use
metadata-complete="true" in the web.xml.

Any other suggestions? Update the apps to servlet api 3.0 and put in
an empty <absolute-ordering /> element?

Is there a way to get the scanners to log whether or not a scan found
anything so they can be added to the appropriate jarsToSkip parameter?
I've only found that the TLD scanner does this unless I'm missing

Any other ideas?


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