On 12/9/13 11:58 AM, Dan Kimmel (on the Midrange Java List) wrote:
Your user needs x permission on startup.sh in order to execute it.
The user draws that authority from owner, group or public which are
the three groupings of rwx authorities you see, in that order (the
first of the 10 characters are - for file or d for directory). If
theres a dash in one of the spots where you expect rwx, that
permission has not been granted.

Except that according to the "ls -l startup.sh" results, *nobody* has "x" authority to *either* the new *or* old startup.sh, on *any* box.
<customer box>/wintouch/tomcat/bin/startup.sh is -rw-rw-rw-
<customer box>/wintouch/tomcat.bak/bin/startup.sh is -rw-rw-rw-
<our box>/wintouch/tomcat/bin/startup.sh is -rw-rw-rw-
<our box>/wintouch/tomcat.bak/bin/startup.sh is -rw-rw-rw-

yet only the first one fails.

Dan goes on to say:
One way to fix this is to chown to what is expected. If you are
running Tomcat as WTADMIN (which it appears) you probably need to
sign on as WINTOUCH and run "chown -R WTADMIN /wintouch/tomcat". You
can also change permission with "chmod ugo+x" to add execute
permission for owner(u), group(g), and others(o). See

The only difference is the owner of the whole Tomcat 7.0.47 subtree on the "problem" customer box: because the WINTOUCH account was disabled, I used a secondary account, WTADMIN, to do the 7.0.47 installation, and to do all the launches since the installation. There was no logical reason for me to assume that this was the reason (especially since both tomcat versions are under my QSECOFR-equivalent account's ownership on our box), but I changed the ownership of the entire directory subtree from WTADMIN to WINTOUCH (using the CHGOWN command from an OS/400 command line, rather than a "chown" from a QShell command line), ran our STRTOMCAT CL program, and CATALINA STARTED RIGHT UP, AND THE PORTS OPENED, AS IF THERE HAD NEVER BEEN ANYTHING WRONG.

They're up and running, but now I'm more puzzled than ever.


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