On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> 1. What JVM are you using?

Answer: [X] Sun/Oracle/OpenJDK Java 1.7

> 2. What kind of web application are you running?
> Answer: [X] A moderately busy web site (<1M requests/mo/server)

> 3. What is your total heap size?

-XX:MaxPermSize=384m (will share this as well, just because)

but I think I can change to -Xms/-Xmx1250m, because heap used seem to max
out at (+/-)1024m.

> 4. Are you explicitly specifying a Garbage Collector? If not, just say
> so and skip the rest of the questions.


> 5. What led you to use [GC X] instead of the JVM's default collector?

I've seen CMS recommended almost any/everywhere.

> 6. Did you do any actual performance testing to see if the switch from
> the default to [GC X] made any difference?


> 6. Have you spent a lot of time tuning [GC X]?

A little...over time. I primarily adjusted -Xms/-Xmx a few times.

> 7. Did your tuning exercise yield any useful results?

Yes. I don't experience OutOfMemory exceptions, and app runs just fine.

> 8. Did your users notice any difference after you implemented [GC X],
> or just your own load-testing team?

No. My app has been configured to use CMS ever since the beginning of

> If you think there's anything else I should know about your experience
> with [GC X], please let me know.

To answer #4, I searched google, and found this[1], and that helped me
answer your question. :)

I am sure that I can lower my -Xms/-Xmx4096m heap size, but with 32GB of
RAM on the server, i'm not really pressed to do so. The server is used just
for the app.

[1] http://www.cubrid.org/blog/textyle/428187

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