Great feedback, Mark! Thanks!

As this will be for a single app, I'm not concerned with having quite as 
complex of a setup as you do. The box does not seem to have selinux enabled:

[ebush@tuldgskap01 ~]$ selinuxenabled
[ebush@tuldgskap01 ~]$ echo $?

Is there something that would cause the script to be successfully invocable 
interactively and yet make it fail at boot? I'm thinking the answer is yes, 
based off of what I'm seeing. Perhaps sudo doesn't like being run by root?

Since I'll lead the dev team, I'll have teeth to make sure the app does not 
misbehave. I can't imagine why one would, as I've never had issues before. I 
suppose, if requests were still processing, a problem could occur. However, 
we'll use F5 and drain-stop the node prior to performing maintenance, so ... 
I'm going to take a simpler path than you've advocated but keep your thoughts 
around in case I do experience an issue :-)

I'll look into a more formal daemon mechanism. I think commons-daemon comes 
with tomcat. I'm trying to avoid many manual pieces like that, but working (and 
I define working as "it comes up after boot") is not optional!

Thanks again! ... and thanks to the others who have provided feedback too! It 
is very much appreciated! My take-away: there's a standard way to launch a 
daemon, and you should be doing that!


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Eggers [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:24 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [tomcat7] rhel 6 - init.d script works; does not start on reboot

See quick notes next to your script:

On 1/15/2014 8:53 AM, Bush, Eddie wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Mikusa []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 10:19 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: [tomcat7] rhel 6 - init.d script works; does not start on 
> reboot
> On Jan 15, 2014, at 11:01 AM, "Bush, Eddie" <> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Mikusa []
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 9:54 AM
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: Re: [tomcat7] rhel 6 - init.d script works; does not start 
>> on reboot
>> On Jan 15, 2014, at 10:32 AM, "Bush, Eddie" <> wrote:
>>> Howdy, List!
>>> I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I'm a senior dev, and quite good at that, 
>>> but for my new client I'm also charged with configuring our machines. We're 
>>> running on Tomcat 7, so I grabbed the tgz and installed it per the 
>>> instructions.
>>> Everything works great! ... until I reboot the server :) At that point, 
>>> everything else comes up, but tomcat does not.
>>> I have removed all logs and rebooted and see nothing notable in any 
>>> of the tomcat logs (because, of course, it did not start), nor can I 
>>> find anything in syslog or messages. The chkconfig command reports 
>>> that the script is configured to run for runlevel 2-5, and I've even 
>>> inspected the links in rc.d/rc*.d and they are linked to the init.d 
>>> script (which is the same danged script that works interactively via 
>>> "service tomcat start/stop"!)
>> Dan> Where did you get the init script from?
>> EB> Off the net somewhere, initially. I tweaked it to use sudo to 
>> EB> change user to tomcat:tomcat though, and I changed the chkconfig 
>> EB> declaration to be extremely similar to what nginx uses, since 
>> EB> that works fine. chkconfig likes the script, and sets it up in 
>> EB> what looks to be perfect form (comparing to other things). These 
>> EB> are pretty standard scripts though, yes? They basically just 
>> EB> delegate to the scripts distributed with tomcat, which all end up 
>> EB> calling :-)
> Dan> Since it's not standard, can you include it here?  It may be perfectly 
> fine, but it would be nice to see it regardless.
> EB> cat /etc/init.d/tomcat
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "Let's start Tomcat! ... because Tomcat rocks!" > /tmp/tomcat.log
> # chkconfig: - 84 16
> # description: Tomcat Start Stop Restart # processname: tomcat
> # Provides: tomcat
> # Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network # Required-Stop: 
> $local_fs $remote_fs $network # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 
> 0 1 6 # Short-Description: start stop and restart tomcat ### END INIT 
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
> export JAVA_HOME
> export PATH
> CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/apache-tomcat-7.0.47
> echo "JAVA_HOME = $JAVA_HOME" >> /tmp/tomcat.log echo "PATH = $PATH" 
> >> /tmp/tomcat.log echo "CATALINA_HOME = $CATALINA_HOME" >> 
> /tmp/tomcat.log
> case $1 in
> start)
> echo "START requested!" >> /tmp/tomcat.log sudo -g tomcat -u tomcat sh 
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ;;
> stop)
> echo "STOP requested!" >> /tmp/tomcat.log sudo -g tomcat -u tomcat sh 
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ;;
> restart)
> echo "RESTART requested!" >> /tmp/tomcat.log sudo -g tomcat -u tomcat 
> sh $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ sudo -g tomcat -u tomcat sh 
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ;; esac exit 0

This won't work.

1. Use JRE_HOME and set it to where your JRE is installed

Technically you can use JAVA_HOME, but Tomcat no longer needs javac (unless 
you've changed the stock configuration).

2. sudo won't work if you have SELinux enabled

use /sbin/runuser

3. I use

My command to start Tomcat ends up looking like this:

start > $SERVICE_LOG 2>1&!

(obviously all on one line)


$SU is the proper su command (/sbin/su or /sbin/runuser) $TOMCAT_USER is the 
tomcat user $CONFIG_OPTS contains all of the options:
$CAT_PID is the pid file to write
write my service startup and shutdown messages

I run multiple Tomcats from one CATALINA_HOME (see RUNNING.txt in the Tomcat 
distribution). Each Tomcat gets its own init script, and each init script reads 
a corresponding configuration file that sets CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE, the 
PID file, and JRE_HOME. That way I can run multiple versions of Tomcat with 
different JREs and still use one init script (copied to a new service name for 
each Tomcat).

While the stop command is the same as the start command (just substitute stop 
for start), there are some other issues you have to worry about.

1. Is it really running?
2. Did it really stop?

Some misbehaving applications make it difficult to stop Tomcat. I currently 
loop for a configurable amount of time, and check the status of Tomcat once per 
second. If I fail to stop Tomcat after the configurable amount of time, I issue 
a kill -9. That's all logged so I know which Tomcat is causing problems, and I 
have an idea about which application is causing an issue.

Hope that helps.

> Dan> Also, can you confirm that the init script is actually being called?  It 
> would be helpful to know how far things get before they break down.  Since 
> you've said that *no* Tomcat logs get created, I would expect that things 
> don't get very far.  Maybe add some logging / echo statements to see what 
> does and doesn't run.
> EB> Genius suggestion. I'm disappointed I didn't think about it. Turns out 
> that it does try to start.
> EB> cat /tmp/tomcat.log
> Let's start Tomcat! ... because Tomcat rocks!
> JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
> PATH = /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
> CATALINA_HOME = /usr/share/apache-tomcat-7.0.47 START requested!
> EB> So it feels like that sudo command fails. However, I see nothing in 
> /var/log/sudolog. Is sudo the issue?
> EB> I was trying su in the script, but it complained about the account not 
> having login enabled. sudo worked interactively, so I assumed that ought to 
> work!
> EB> I looked at adding jsvc, but I don't have a lot of control over channels 
> that the machine is subscribed to, and that seems to be in the optional 
> channel.
> EB> I have (rhel6) a daemon command, and I had considered updating to 
> EB> use that, but the sudo works interactively so I stuck with that 
> EB> (if it ain't broke, right?)
>>> This may be more of a *nix question than a tomcat question, but I thought 
>>> I'd try here first since it is in the context of tomcat itself.
>>> Thoughts? Suggestions?
>> Dan> Have you verified that user / permissions are set correct to run as a 
>> service?  Keep in mind that running as a service may be running Tomcat as a 
>> different user.
>> EB> I guess I'm not sure what you mean here. Apologies. However, I did chown 
>> -R tomcat:tomcat on the entire install. First start after that reminded me I 
>> needed to clean the logs out before expecting it to work :-) but I can now 
>> start this interactively using "sudo service tomcat start" and stop it, etc.
>> EB> Perhaps I should add that I was raised on Unix, including being 
>> EB> schooled in Unix administration. It's been years, but I do have a 
>> EB> decent amount of experience with Unix, shell scripting, etc. :-)
> Dan> Sounds like you've got the general idea of what I was saying here.  Good 
> to know how the permissions are set on the Tomcat directory.
> EB> Awesome :-) yes, I
> Dan
>> Dan
>>> I have Google'd myself to death! I'm at my wits end! I'm honestly at the 
>>> point of thinking about punting this issue until another day or possibly 
>>> resigning to making sure that any workflow which involves a server reboot 
>>> includes a step for starting tomcat (yuck!).
>>> Thanks in advance for any input!
>>> Eddie

. . . . just my two cents

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