Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA256


On 2/10/14, 2:10 PM, Pooja Swamy wrote:
Here is a sample of how the messages look -

INFO  [Fri Feb 9 04:48:21 GMT 2014:] [http-bio-8080-exec-141] []
Log : Fri Feb 09 04:48:21 GMT 2014 TestApp:>webuser

 I have the same message getting written 8-10 times every second.
Please help how I can prevent this? Do I need to make changes to or

That message is not being generated by Tomcat. Ultimately, I suspect
you'll have to modify your web application to eliminate that message.

Whether you have to modify or
depends upon exactly how you have Tomcat and your web application.

If your web application is configured with log4j and you are logging
to the console, then you should modify so it doesn't
do that anymore.

You might want to read the documentation for the swallowOutput for the
<Context> configuration element. It may help you:

And the quickest option would be : remove (stop and/or undeploy) that "TestApp" application from your server, to give you some time to investigate it and find out why it is generating those apparently stupid log messages.
You can do that with the Manager application, if it is installed.

And again : under Tomcat, each application can do essentially what it wants in terms of logging. It can use JULI, or log4j, or any other logging framework, depending on how it is programmed and configured. And it can log to its own files, or to the Tomcat logfiles, depending on how it is programmed or configured.
And we here do not know how that application is configured on your system.

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