
*STOP*.  *PAUSE*.  Please.

Stop changing the configurations and the servers, and take some time to do things systematically, step by step, and answer the questions without changing the data in the meantime, and without overwhelming us with confusing answers.

Suggestion :

1) choose one server and one configuration, and stick to it, no matter what happens, until we tell you otherwise.

2) when asked to do something or to answer a question, do it, post your message to the list, and do nothing else until you get the next response.
In particular, do not change the configuration or make another test in the 
This is confusing for everyone.  We don't know what you are answering to 

3) after you have chosen one server and one configuration :
- if needed, stop Tomcat by whatever means you can (reboot the system, if you 
have to)
- find and delete *all* the tomcat logs
- copy and paste the content of the Tomcat "server.xml" file here, in-between the BEGIN and END tags :



(remove any confidential parts, like passwords, hostnames, and *remove all XML 

4) start tomcat, using "startup.sh".  Do this only *one* time, not many times.

then cut and paste the screen output of that command here, between BEGIN and END



5) enter this command :
netstat -t -pan | grep LISTEN

then cut and paste the response lines here, between BEGIN and END



6) enter this command :
ps -ef | grep 'tomcat'

then copy and paste the response lines here, between BEGIN and END



7) find the tomcat logfiles. They should all be brand-new, since you have deleted them before starting tomcat. (You did, didn't you ?).
Find the one which contains a message like : INFO: Starting service Catalina
in the first 10-20 lines.
Copy and paste that whole file here, between BEGIN and END :



The above will tell us, once and for all, if your tomcat is running or not, and on what ports it is - or should be - listening.

8) then, *do not* change anything or do anything until someone comments or asks 
for more.

Note that in all the above, it says "copy and paste", not "attach".

Pooja Swamy wrote:
I changed my port to 1800.

1. I got it from another server that is also running the same version.

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