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On 3/7/14, 1:46 PM, Jay wrote:
> Tomcat instance launches its background processes which seems to
> detached from the console/terminal (Please correct if it is not
> right phrase.)

Here is the misunderstanding: Tomcat's scripts launch Tomcat in the
"background", but it does not disconnect from the terminal. When you
kill the terminal (i.e. log out), a signal is sent to all processes
bound to the terminal that says "terminal hung up" -- that's why its
called SIGHUP "Hang UP" from the old days when terminals were things
like telephone lines that could be off-hook on on-hook.

When the JVM receives this process on Solaris (and not all Solarises,
not all versions, not all configurations), the JVM quits.

Using "nohup" does in fact divorce the JVM from the terminal so that
when the terminal exits (because you logged-out), the SIGHUP does not
kill the JVM.

> As normally, those backend processes keep alive event the user
> logout or disconnect from the console/terminal where the Tomcat
> instance was launched. (this was what I meant)

"Normal" for you is abnormal for others. Solaris is a very old
time-sharing system and the SIGHUP thing was designed to kill
processes when the remote user went-away. If you want them to not to
die, you have to explicitly use "nohup". I'm sorry that this is the
case on your system, but apparently, its required.

There's nothing the Tomcat team can do to change this.

> Actually, we start Tomcat just using ./startup.sh on Linux the same
> way as we started it on this SunOS and it never stops on Linux
> unless stopping it using shutdown.

Different environment. Different kernel. Different userspace.
Different shell. Different everything. Ever heard the term "GNU's Not
UNIX"? Well, guess what? Solaris /is/ UNIX, and GNU/Linux isn't that.
They may smell the same, but they are very different.

> As we know many people also start the Tomcat as this way on their
> Linux and Solaris machines without this issue.

Ev-e-ry siiiiiiistem's different, er-e-ry siiiiiiiiistem's goooood. If
a system's wasted, in your neighborhood...

> Questions: 1. As Tomcat gives a message of "A valid shutdown
> command was received via the shutdown port." in the log when it
> receives the signal from a Shutdown command. What message can we
> see in the log when the Tomcat receives the SIGHUP and/or SIGTERM,
> etc. that stops the Tomcat?

Tomcat cannot receive the signal, only the JVM can. You'll see that
the connectors are shut down gracefully, etc. and the server stops.
So, basically, exactly what you have already observed.

> 2. When Tomcat receives the SIGHUP and/or SIGTERM, will Tomcat
> stop immediately or Tomcat would stop itself after a half day or
> several days randomly?

Tomcat will shut down as fast as it can. So, immediately.

> 3. If there are multiple users connected to the Solaris with the 
> consoles/terminals, would the Tomcat receives the SIGHUP and/or
> SIGTERM when any of user logs out and/or disconnected from the
> Solaris?

It should only be tied to the terminal that was used to launch it.
But, Solaris might have complicated rules for parent-process
inheritance when a process's parent dies. It may be re-inherited
several times before it's eventually killed.

> 4. Will the Solaris send the SIGHUP and/or SIGTERM to the Tomcat
> immediately just the user logged out and/or terminated from the
> Solaris? or Solaris would wait and then sent the SIGHUP and/or
> SIGTERM to the Tomcat after a half day or several days randomly?

It should happen immediately.

You should really be asking your administrator about this. We are not
Solaris experts.

- -chris
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