On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Maria Cristina Siena <
mariacristinasi...@sourcecable.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I developed a web service using jax-ws and configured Tomcat to support
> SSL connection. Here are my steps:
> ****** Step 1 - Generate a self-signed server certificate
> Use JDK 1.7 keytool:
> keytool -genkey -alias trackerdev -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
> -keystore D:\Tomcat7\htdkeystore\trackerdev.ks -ext san=ip:xx.x.x.xxx
> Is CN=xx.x.x.xxx, OU=it, O=companynamehere, L=citynamehere,
> ST=provincenamehere, C=ca correct?
>   [no]:  yes
> They claim that the certificate is not properly signed. Well, I don't
> know. It is a self-signed certificate.
How do they access your web service?  Using the fully qualified machine
name in the URL?

Does CN=xx.x.x.xxx represent your server name?

If the cert is created for your server name, and your other team is on the
same network, all they need to do is place the cert in their trusted store
and it should be fine.

The name of the cert should be the same name your team would use to access
your server.

In other words, when your team views the certificate from their end, it
should say something like:

Issued to:  your fully qualified server name
Issued by:  your fully qualified server name

You are essentially issuing your server a cert "by" your server.

Did this help or make it worse?

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