We're seeing a bizarre failure of getParameterMap() wherein this servlet API returns an empty map.

I thought we'd loused this up somehow via our servlet request filters, but the debugger shows this result on the very first line of our very first filter -- with the request object being Tomcat's own.

To make matters worse, this is a GET request with a /very /simple URL.

The query string is very simple "?ids=41&jsonSupport=true". The value of "ids" varies, but it's numeric and the cases I'm looking at are 2 to 4 digits in length. The rest of the request URI is short and all ASCII, being of the form {webAppName}/xxxx/yy.

This is being reproduced with both 7.0.50 and 7.0.53 -- with mod_jk 1.2.37 and httpd 2.2.26.

As with https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=55695, we are using Spring MVC -- and getting a similar error message. Given the point in request handling at which we're getting the erroneous result, I don't see how this is actually related to Spring MVC, but I also don't have any idea how one could reproduce the issue without Spring MVC or our (large proprietary) web application.

Any suggestions for getting to the bottom of this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Jess Holle

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