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On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Randhir Singh <>wrote:

> We have an application which has JBoss as the application server with
> Tomcat as the web server, our application has Oracle 11g as the database. I
> would give some further background to the issue we are facing, since the
> last 1 1/2 months, the application slows down. Sometimes it comes back to
> normal, specially on week-ends. But other times we restart JBoss & Tomcat
> to bring back the application to normal.
> We have been using jconsole to monitor tomcat like
> jconsole
> which monitors our tomcat for a work order system. If the memory usage does
> not show spike and shows constant reading, the GC button is clicked to
> invoke the garbage collector.
> I checked out on the net and got some clue as below:
> 1)      Javamelody - It seems to be a 3rd party tool which is not
> recommended.
> 2)      There is a command mentioned to see the admin console,
> http://<IP:port>/ but it is not displaying the required page.
> Please give your inputs whether jconsole should be a help in the right
> direction or some other way to monitor the performance of Tomcat.
> Regards
> --
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