Williams, Allen wrote:
I tried this: jar -tvf | grep ajp13 in both common and server
directories, and got nothing.

I'm not sure what jar -tvf does but I used the following Python script to find class in jar files on the disk:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hp]$ cat jarFinder.py
import os
import sys

print """
jarFinder is Python script for Linux (unix) operating system(s).
Usage ./jarFinder.py className
this script use locate to find all jar files on your drive and afterwards
seeks wheather className is in that jar file
This program is usefull to resolve classPath problems on Linux systems
Author : Mladen Adamovic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) home page: http://home.blic.net/adamm

   po = os.popen('locate .jar', 'r')
except IOError:

arg1= sys.argv[1]
print 'Working for : ' + arg1

line = po.readline()
while line:
   # print line,    # trailing ',' omits newline character
   lineNN = line[1:len(line)-1]
   ext = lineNN[len(lineNN)-4:len(lineNN)]
   if ext=='.jar' or ext=='.JAR' :
           unzipStr = 'unzip -v /' + lineNN + ' | grep ' + arg1
           # print unzipStr
           unzipResF = os.popen(unzipStr, 'r');
           unzipRes = unzipResF.read()
           # print unzipRes
           if len(unzipRes)>5 :
                       print 'In /' + lineNN + ' is file ' + unzipRes


Mladen Adamovic
http://home.blic.net/adamm http://www.shortopedia.com http://www.froola.com http://www.online-utility.org

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