
Thank you for your answer.
You are right about tomcat itself not being involved. I was fooled by the class 
ByteChunk belonging to tomcat, and didn't see that the MultipartStream belongs 
in fact to commons-fileupload.jar.

The jbossweb-tomcat55.sar module in jboss 4.0.4.GA does come with 
commons-fileupload-1.2.jar. I found out that the bug I see was fixed in version 
1.2.1 (issue FILEUPLOAD-144 related to issue FILEUPLOAD-135) and verified it 
solves my problem.

Thanks again,


> Didier,
> On 6/4/14, 11:30 AM, DDU DUQUENNOY Didier wrote:
> > I think I found a problem in the way Tomcat parses the POST Http
> > Request. It might be related to issues n°40860, 31523 and 42347
> > submitted to bugzilla <>.
> >
> > I am running on a JBoss 4.0.4 GA server on a windows platform. I
> > know it uses a 5.5.x tomcat, but I don't know exactly which
> > version.
> Tomcat 5.5.x is no longer supported. We don't support JBoss, here,
> either. You'll have to get support from Red Hat at this point, or
> upgrade to a version of Tomcat that is supported.
> > Symptoms : When I submit a POST request, sometimes one parameter
> > get lost. I can tell using Eclipse's TCP/IP proxy that the value
> > was submitted in the request.
> Without knowing what version of 5.5.x you are using, nobody is going
> to be able to tell you if a) there is a bug and b) if it was fixed in
> a version of Tomcat later than the one you are running.
> I can tell you pretty confidently that Tomcat does not lose request
> parameters, even old unsupported versions. ;)
> > Analysis: The POST request looks like that and is 15kB long: <<
> > -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e Content-Disposition:
> > form-data; name="autoScroll"
> >
> > 0,0 -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e
> > Content-Disposition: form-data; name="principal:arbre::focused"
> >
> > false -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e
> > Content-Disposition: form-data;
> > name="principal:arbre::expandedNodes"
> It's worth pointing-out that Tomcat did not directly handle multipart
> requests until version 7.0.x. If you are having problems with
> multipart requests, the problem is likely with either /your/ (of
> JBoss's) multipart library or your own code.
> (Oddly, Tomcat does have the package-renamed classes from
> commons-http-upload available in the Tomcat 6 source...)
> > Using remote debugging, I found that a MultipartStream object
> > analyses the request using a 4KB buffer; this buffer is fed by a
> > 8kB buffer used by a ByteChunk object. The pattern
> > "-----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e" is called 'boundary'.
> > and is repeated for each field. I noted that the hex part of the
> > boundary may not be the same length from one POST to another, I
> > think that is why the problem does not always occur.
> >
> > when MultipartStream arrives at the end of its buffer and there is
> > not enough bytes left to read the next boundary, it moves the few
> > unread bytes to the beginning of the buffer, then loads the next
> > chunk of data from the ByteChunk object (see
> > MultipartStream$ItemInputStream.makeAvailable())
> That class does not exist in Tomcat prior to Tomcat 6, and in Tomcat 6
> does not have the "makeAvailable" method. In Tomcat 7, makeAvailable
> appears.
> I suspect you are using commons-http-upload, and probably a fairly old
> version.
> If this ever was a problem with commons-http-upload, I'm sure it's
> been fixed. In any case, you are going to have to upgrade at least
> commons-http-upload. I would recommend upgrading just about every
> component you currently have, as you are likely to be very out of
> date. Security patches, performance improvements, bug fixes, etc. are
> all available between your version and the current.
> - -chris

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