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On 6/5/14, 4:27 PM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> 2014-06-05 23:06 GMT+04:00 Christopher Schultz
> <ch...@christopherschultz.net>:
>> On 6/5/14, 11:58 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>>> 2014-06-05 19:19 GMT+04:00 Christopher Schultz 
>>> <ch...@christopherschultz.net>:
>>>> I tried invoking "backgroundProcess" on my Manager bean via
>>>> JMX but it didn't seem to actually clean anything up. Is
>>>> there any hope of recovery without bouncing the web
>>>> application?
>>>> Also, it would be nice to get a notification if the thread
>>>> is dying due to some exception. I searched-though
>>>> catalina.out and found nothing relevant. Any suggestions?
>>> In general, dying threads are handled via 
>>> Thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(...) and 
>>> ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(...)
>>> The default behaviour in JRE it so log to System.err. So 
>>> catalina.out is the place where I expect it to be written.
>> That's what I would have thought, too. I didn't see anything, 
>> unfortunately.
>>> (It is not nice as it bypasses logging framework, but that is
>>> how it is currently).
>>> A unusual culprit is OutOfMemoryError.
>> I think you mean "a usual culprit" and I agree: this has happened
>> in the past where the background processor thread dies due to
>> OOME.
> Yes, a typo. I meant "a usual one".
>>>> I tried invoking "backgroundProcess" on my Manager bean via
>>>> JMX but it didn't seem to actually clean anything up. Is
>>>> there any hope of recovery without bouncing the web
>>>> application?
>>> The background thread is started via threadStart() which is
>>> called from ContainerBase.startInternal() / 
>>> StandardContext.startInternal().
>>> So I see no hope of recovering unless the container that owns
>>> the thread is stopped/started.  I think that by default the
>>> thread is started by Engine, so Engine needs to be bounced
>>> here.
>> The JMX method "backgroundProcess" should call 
>> ManagerBase.backgroundProcess which should go ahead and expire
>> the sessions. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work.
>> Unfortunately, Tomcat's Manager wasn't in debug-log mode or I
>> would have been able to see what happened when I invoked
>> backgroundProcess.
> 1. If you have Manager webapp installed, it has API to expire
> sessions (on the "list" page in HTML gui)
> 2. I think logging level can be manipulated via JMX.

I hadn't thought of that. Next time. ;)

>>> BTW, javadoc for ContainerBase.backgroundProcess() says "This 
>>> method will be invoked inside the classloading context of this 
>>> container."  I think that is not true when it is being invoked
>>> via JMX.
>> This is ManagerBase.backgroundProcess, which does not have the
>> same documentation. While ContainerBase.backgroundProcess would
>> usually invoke ManagerBase.backgroundProcess, using JMX goes
>> directly to ManagerBase.
> OK.
>> I'm still curious why invoking ManagerBase.backgroundProcess via
>> JMX had no effect. I'm not sure what the "count" and 
>> "processExpiresFrequency" values were at the time, so my calls
>> could have been rejected due to
>> background-processing-throttling.
> //ManagerBase.java @Override public void backgroundProcess() { 
> count = (count + 1) % processExpiresFrequency; if (count == 0) 
> processExpires(); }
> processExpiresFrequency should be readable via JMX.
> Default is '6', so you have to call the method 6 times in a row.

Aah. I gave up after 3. Next time.

Thanks for the info!

- -chris
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