Hi ,

Once a month the same question is asked on this list (both tomcat- and
"How can I monitor my application". The best answer the asker can get:
look at the access logs.

At the beginning I thought it were a joke. It wasn't. After seeing the
same question (and most important the same answer) fifth time I
decided to change this. I have written various monitoring tools over
years, now I have gathered and repackaged them to an open source
monitoring system kit : Moskito.

Moskito can gather all relevant monitoring data from all layers of
your application (of course you'll have to integrate it first) from
servlet/action to the middleware client - to the middleware servant
and into the dao. If some parts of your application will get slower or
produce errors once, you will never have to guess what it is, you will
simply know :-)

I'm proud to announce that Moskito version 0.1 is available for testing.

Moskito's homepage is located here:

a very simple webapp-demo here:

Moskito now contains following features:
- Interval based statistic framework
- Easy statistics logging
- Built-in monitoring for web-apps

and will have following features until end of next month:
- Webbased UI for stats control/monitoring.
- Virtual Stats
- Conditional guards
and so on.

happy testing

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