doomito wrote:
Thank you for the answer. I will begging experimenting on 1 box with this

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" address=""
emptySessionPath="true" redirectPort="8443" maxThreads="2048"
minSpareThreads="32" connectionTimeout="20000" keepAliveTimeout="10000"
enableLookups="false" request.registerRequests="false" />

I a couple of questions raises from your reply:
1) a couple of years ago we did a BENCHMARK mod_proxy vs mod_jk and the
difference was noticeable in favor of mod_jk. There was any improvement on
mod_proxy connector in particular?

2) this is definitely an ignorant question, but I see a lot of connections
made to 8080 port instead of 8009.  That said, I don't fully understand WHY
and also, do I need to also tuned this? I have nothing going directly to
tomcat, everything goes trough Apache mod_jk.

    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Well, obviously something is going to port 8080 of Tomcat, since you are seeing connections made there. You can configure an AccessLogValve, which will give you a log of the requests that are going there.

Is that server directly on the Internet ?
If yes, then you probably have (mostly nasty) people trying to connect to that 
port via HTTP.

If you do not want these connections at all, just comment-out that connector above, and restart Tomcat. (But be aware then, that even *you* will not be able to access Tomcat directly with a browser).

If you want these connections, but only from the local host e.g., you can also make this connector listen only to the "localhost" IP address. It will then reject any connections to port 8080 that are /not/ coming from localhost.

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