2014-07-19 20:26 GMT+03:00 George Sexton <geor...@mhsoftware.com>:
> On 7/18/2014 11:02 PM, Violeta Georgieva wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I suppose I'm trying to understand how the impact of this so dramatically
>> outweighs my app's startup, which includes loading the jar, initializing
>> lot of classes, connecting to the database, starting background threads,
>> etc. It just seems really odd.
>>> Can anyone help me understand this?
>> Read this http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo/FasterStartUp
> I read that, and it told me how to make it go faster, which I did. What
I'm trying to understand is what it is that makes that single thing add so
much overhead. As I mentioned in my original post, it just seems
counter-intuitive that the work required would exceed loading my app,
initializing the classes, connecting to the database, starting threads, etc.

"The <absolute-ordering> element specifies which web fragment JARs
(according to the names in their WEB-INF/web-fragment.xml files) have to be
scanned for SCIs, fragments and annotations. An empty <absolute-ordering/>
element configures that none are to be scanned."

If you have jar files in WEB-INF/lib they will be scanned for SCIs,
fragments and annotations. With <absolute-ordering/> you instructs Tomcat
to skip the scanning.

>> Regards,
>> Violeta
> --
> George Sexton
> *MH Software, Inc.*
> Voice: 303 438 9585
> http://www.mhsoftware.com

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