> -----Original Message-----
> From: Omar Orzenini [mailto:omar.orzen...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 6:42 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Windows performance issue
> Thank you all for the answers. I performed these tests because we are
> showing serious performance problems on WIndows configurations for load
> balancing (a file server shares the webapps folder via SMB for two
> different application
> servers that map the webapps via UNC. Tried both mapping the folder via
> and as logical drive but i did not get great results.
With that stated use case, it would be far safer to rethink your deployment 
With multiple Tomcats sharing the webapps directory, you run the risk of 
problems occurring because each Tomcat will want to explode the war files into 
a sub-tree structure, potentially causing problems for a server that is already 
running. I am sure there are more knowledgeable folks here that can address 
that scenario.  You could, of course, turn off the explode warfiles setting and 
that would reduce that issue, but running from warfiles has its own performance 
Might I suggest pointing webapps to an empty directory and using the docbase 
parameter of the <Context> to point to the shared directory structure with 
pre-exploded war file sub-trees?
Of course, if the problem is really with SMB bottlenecks, that probably won't 
be that much more helpful.
Q: Why bother with the shared directory issue at all?  How about just copying 
the war file to each server and let them run from their local copies? That 
would result in the best performance.
(note: this is what I do for my customer base and don't find it all that 
burdensome to roll out an upgrade for 100+ customers.)

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