TC 7.0.54 / JDK 1.7.0_60 / RHEL 6

My webapp is the only one on my TC install. It's in webapps/ROOT. Iptables
routes 80 to 8080 and I'm using the NIO connector. There are two physical
servers with that same webapp, using session replication. Everything works

There's a subdirectory "/admin" in the webapp that has some admin tools
that we've been using behind our firewall and under BASIC authentication. I
want to put just the /admin directory under SSL and have a user/hashed-pass
in the database do the login and authentication instead of having them in


1. Can I specify /admin/* as a security constraint url pattern so that only
that directory runs under SSL?

2. The NIO connector is accepted for JSSE, since I'm using it already, is
there any point in not using it as my SSL connector?

3. Any known issues with routing 443 to 8443 in Iptables?

4. The admin tools share underlying classes with the rest of the web
application, which is why it makes sense to have it just as a subdirectory
in the same webapp. But would I be better off migrating the admin tools to
their own webapp for the purposes of SSL?

Apologies if I've missed any of this in the docs. Any additional
info/advice appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

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