Try giving options while creating JVM

set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1024M"

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Thakkilapati, Nagaraja <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a web application (XCP) which internally uses our java library
> implementaiton-dfc.jar (the dfc.jar contains API's to access our Documentum
> functionality). This java library internally uses timer threads which
> performs the activities need to be executed periodically and demon threads
> for clean-up activities.
> We noticed the tomcat runs into OOM:PermGen issue when we use our web
> application which uses the java library (dfc.jar API's) in the below use
> case:
> Use Case:
> 1.  Access a Documentum repository object (size will be in KB's) using the
> Documentum web application-XCP.
> 2. Undeploy the web application and redeploy it.
> 3. Repeat step-1 and 2 couple of times, OOM:PermGen issue can be noticed.
> Trouble Shooting & Analysis Done:
> 1.       I have tried to comment out all the Timer and Demon threads in
> our java library (i.e. inside dfc.jar) and tried to perform the use case
> mentioned above and still noticed the issue with Tomcat App server.
> 2.       Attached the memory profiler to Tomcat  and tried to find the
> shortest GC path, the profiler shows the shortest GC to Tomcat threads.
> 3.       Tried to reproduce the issue using other app servers like WAAS
> and was not able to find any issues.
> It appears to me that this is an issue specific to Tomcat app server, can
> you please let me know whether you have noticed the similar issues in the
> past and if yes, please specify any workaround/fix available for the same?
> Thanks,
> Nagaraja


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