Gadi Sastiel wrote:
I have in httpd.conf:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

# Configure mod_proxy_html to understand HTML4/XHTML1
<IfModule proxy_html_module>
Include conf/extra/proxy-html.conf

LoadModule jk_module modules/


Maybe to gain some time, let me point you to the explanation of what both Konstantin and Daniel are looking for :
See the text in red ?

In more words : a frequent configuration error in such cases (where Apache httpd in a front-end for Tomcat, and both are on the same machine), is to allow Apache httpd to "see" the contents of the Tomcat application directories (/webapps/*). Tomcat "knows" that a JSP page is something which has to be processed, and that it is the result that should be returned to the client, not the source.
But httpd doesn't know that, and for him a JSP page is just text, and it 
returns it as is.

So if the URL of the request is such, that Apache does not think that this request has to be forwarded to Tomcat, it will try to process this request itself. And if it can do that (aka it sees the directory where this file is located, and the file in it), then it will return that page itself to the client, as text.

And that seems to be what you are seeing. From there comes the suspicion of Konstantin and Daniel, because Tomcat, correctly configured, wouldn't do that.

Except that you mention somwhere else that the request is visible in the Tomcat access log. That would normally mean that httpd /is/ forwarding this request to Tomcat, and that the error is on the Tomcat side. So before going any further, make absolutely sure that that is the case, and that it is really /this/ request that you are seeing in the tomcat logs. Otherwise everyone is going to lose a lot of time searching in the wrong places.

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