On 02/10/14 19:00, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Nathan,
> On 10/1/14 12:16 PM, Nathan Quirynen wrote:
>> On 01/10/14 18:08, Christopher Schultz wrote: Nathan,
>> On 10/1/14 10:02 AM, Nathan Quirynen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tomcat users,
>>>>> A current application has client authentication configured in
>>>>> the SSL Connector (server.xml):
>>>>> <Connector port="8443" ... clientAuth="true" 
>>>>> keystoreFile=".keystore" keystorePass="..." 
>>>>> truststoreFile=".truststore" truststorePass="..." />
>>>>> And the CA root certificates have been added to the
>>>>> truststore.
>>>>> This way it asks for a client certificate in any case, which
>>>>> works and is fine for this application. For a new application
>>>>> the use case is a bit different. I only need client
>>>>> authentication for a specific defined path (for example:
>>>>> /secured/*). After some research I found this was possible
>>>>> with defining this on application level in the web.xml file.
>>>>> So I changed my configuration to:
>>>>> server.xml:
>>>>> <Connector port="8443" ... clientAuth="false" 
>>>>> keystoreFile=".keystore" keystorePass="..." 
>>>>> truststoreFile=".truststore" truststorePass="..." />
>>>>> web.xml:
>>>>> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> 
>>>>> <web-resource-name>Secureconn</web-resource-name> 
>>>>> <url-pattern>/secured/*</url-pattern> 
>>>>> <http-method>GET</http-method> </web-resource-collection> 
>>>>> <auth-constraint> <role-name>secureconn</role-name> 
>>>>> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <login-config> 
>>>>> <auth-method>CLIENT-CERT</auth-method> 
>>>>> <realm-name>Secureconn</realm-name> </login-config> 
>>>>> <security-role> <role-name>secureconn</role-name>
>>>>> </security-role>
>>>>> In this case it actually only asks for client authentication
>>>>> when going to for example "secured/home" page. But I'm
>>>>> getting a 401 message code.
>>>>> What am I missing to get people authenticated based on the CA
>>>>> root certificates that are in the configured truststore? Is
>>>>> it even possible what I am trying?
>> What happens if you change clientAuth="false" to
>> clientAuth="want"?
>> -chris
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>> Hey Chris,
>> If I change it to want I still get the same error:
>> HTTP Status 401 - Cannot authenticate with the provided
>> credentials
> So just to be sure, the only difference between the application you
> have that is working and the one that is not working is that you have
> a different <url-pattern> in your web.xml?
> Generally speaking, Tomcat will authenticate the client certificate
> just using the configuration at the <Connector> level. Using
> CLIENT-CERT in the application is used for application credentials --
> such as establishing roles to be used with role-based permissions.
> Do you intend to use role-based permissions and all that other stuff,
> or do you just want to make sure that the client has a valid certificate?
> If you just want to make sure that the certificate is valid, then you
> want to use clientAuth="want" and remove the configuration you have
> from web.xml. Next, you will need to write a Filter that grabs the
> X509 certificate from the request and does manual checking.
> You might be able to get some help from a series of posts I wrote a
> few years ago about manually-handling X509 certificates:
> http://markmail.org/message/kzxsamuiu6bldjmv
> Hope that helps,
> - -chris
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> =bMuo
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Yes that's what I want. But when I set clientAuth to "want" it asks for
the client certificate on every path, which I don't want... I only want
client authentication on the specified path.
I'm wondering if I can solve what I need with Tomcat alone. Maybe I
should put Apache in front?



Een klare kijk op aanvullende pensioenen

*Nathan Quirynen*
03 340 04 60 | 0494 28 45 15
nat...@pensionarchitects.be <mailto:nat...@pensionarchitects.be>

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