I am trying to convert a custom class loader from version 5.5 to version 
8.0.11, running under ubuntu.
I have the following line in my context.xml file.
loaderClass="com.comsquared.idw.catalina.ext.IDWMClassLoader" delegate="false" 

I have tried the delegate as both true and false with no difference. I have 
found that the parent loader is java.net.URLClassLoader, not
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader or 
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase as I expected. My class loader 
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader. In order to add files, as far as 
I know I need an org.apache.catalina.WebResourceRoot
(probably StandardRoot) and an org.apache.catalina.Context (probably 

So how do I get, find or create these 2 classes? I think I can create a new 
StandardRoot if I have a Context, but what needs to be done to create
a proper context for a web application that is getting auto-loaded by the 
tomcat container at startup?

I am missing some information and have, as yet, not been able to find any 
details about how to accomplish this.


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