Please make note that I do not see errors in the brower window, but in the brower console window. If I have time later, I will create an error in my 's.jsp' server code and verify that an error is
reported in the console.

Jim A.

On 12/08/2014 04:17 PM, David kerber wrote:
On 12/8/2014 4:04 PM, Jim Anderson wrote:


I have to question your response. In the past, I have made errors in the
serverside JSP file and the console has identified errors for me to the
point were I have become dependent this feedback.

I understand the separation of the client side vs the server side,
(and I must confess that sometimes in the middle of debugging, I forget
that it is there),
but my assumption has been that when the JSP code is compiled by the
tomcat environment, it gets sent errors back through the Firefox API
that allows the errors to  be displayed in the console.

I don't know the Firefox API, but I can believe it has hooks in the
brower code that allows an application such as Tomcat to post
information into the console. If fact, I would expect the browser
console to have that kind of hook.

Hmm, I've never seen anything like that. The only time I see server errors in the browser is when the server sends them as part of its HTTP response. If the error output is swallowed on the server end and never makes it to the browser, the browser does not display anything.

I could certainly be missing something here, though...


On 12/08/2014 03:54 PM, David kerber wrote:
On 12/8/2014 3:49 PM, Jim Anderson wrote:


I apologize to everyone for taking a while to respond. It was a busy
weekend and I was not at
the computer. Thank you all for the responses.

I read your emails about a half hour ago and ran my application to get
fresh log files and to
check them all. Sure enough in the log file, 'localhost.2014-12-08.log',
I found an error message
about the java code in my 's.jsp' file. I fixed the error and all is
well now. I thought that I looked
at this file the other day before sending in my question to the mailing list and I did not see the error messages then. I am going to guess that
I am in error and the I did not actually look at the file, although I
know I looked at most of the log files in the tomcat/logs directory.

I was curious why the error did not show up in my firefox browser
console, so I removed my fix and re-ran my application with the error in
it. Sure enough, the error did not show up on the console.

The reason it doesn't show up in your browser is that it's happening
on the server, not the client.  So the browser never knows that there
is an error.

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