On 5/27/06, Garner Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I seen it in the servlet spec but maybe it was spec 2.3 and not 2.4.
It said it it has to be a .XXXX where XXXX is .jsp or .html.

I don't see any such thing in either the 2.3 or 2.4 specs, and just
added an arbitrary name -- "home.doodah" :-) -- to my welcome
list and it worked as expected.

I tried the forward and redirect with no spaces and neither work.

? In a previous mail you said the forward worked, but the redirect
didn't. Has this changed?

I also tried putting the welcome file as the welcome.jsf and that
doesn't work either.

Q: why do you have index.jsp mapped as a servlet?

Is that a JSF thing, or ?

Regardless, can you create a minimal WAR that demonstrates this
problem? If so, send it to me offlist and I'll try it on an existing
working install.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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