Mark F wrote:
I have very specific requirements that have been imposed on me (and therefore the servers) that require me to use the following configuration:

Tomcat 5.0.xx
Sun Java 1.4.2

Applications will be running on a Opteron 275 x86_64 server. I also have the requirement of running tomcat as a user other than root (part of the reason for jsvc) and the server needs to run on port 80. I'm sure you can see the problem.

I need to configure jsvc so that I can start/stop tomcat on boot but every version I've tried seems to fail for one reason or another. Is there a distribution of jsvc that will compile and work with this hardware/software configuration?

I've tried using different version of jsvc but I'm limited in what else I can change.


I built jsvc this morning (again) with -build=1386-linux-gnu so that it would 
find the jvm.cfg but this is the error I get at startup:

30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: +-- DUMPING JAVA HOME STRUCTURE 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: | Java Home:       "/usr/lib/java"
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: | Java VM Config.: 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: | Found JVMs:      2
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: | JVM Name:        "client"
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: |                  
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: | JVM Name:        "server"
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: |                  
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 2941 jsvc.exec debug: Running w/ 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3056 jsvc.exec debug: redirecting stdout to /dev/null and 
stderr to /dev/null

30/05/2006 08:23:18 3057 jsvc.exec debug: user changed to 'tomcat'
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3057 jsvc.exec debug: Using specific JVM in 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3057 jsvc.exec debug: Attemtping to load library 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3057 jsvc.exec error: Cannot dynamically link to 
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3057 jsvc.exec error: 
/usr/lib/java/jre/lib/i386/server/ cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory
30/05/2006 08:23:18 3056 jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 1
cat: /var/run/ No such file or directory
Starting Tomcat 5 with PID:

It looks like a permissions error but the tomcat user can see the 
file and its permissions are 755?  If not permissions I would say some sort
of linking problem, architectural issues, not finding a 32 bit library for 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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