On 09/02/2015 10:48, Christoph P.U. Kukulies wrote:
> As the subject says: How can I find out the exact tomcat version under
> Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty)?

The short version is that the version of Tomcat provided by Ubuntu may
not be an exact match for a version released by the ASF. The problem is
that Linux distributions often update to a Tomcat version and then, when
a new version with a security fix is released, backport just the fix
rather than updating to the new release.

What you really need to know is the base version and what patched have
been applied.

And that is before you get into the habit Linux distros have of
distributing a Tomcat install all over the file system. (Yes they have a
good reason for doing this but this has been known to cause issues and
it makes it a whole lot more difficult for us to support because we have
no idea what files have been put where.)

I'd recommend starting here:

It looks like the latest version is based on 7.0.52 with patches for the
known issues in 7.0.53.

It looks like they opted not to patch for the known issue in 7.0.54.
Hmm. Not sure I entirely agree with that call. If you are running shared
Tomcat hosting on Ubuntu Trusty you'd have a problem.

They haven't included in the fix for 7.0.55 either but since it was only
announced a few hours ago it isn't reasonable to expect them to react
that fast.


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