David kerber wrote:
I have several instances of TC 7.x on windows, running the same in-house developed application for different outside customers. Those instances are each tied to a specific database, and cannot talk to any other dbs.

My in-house users occasionally need to log into the application instance for a specific customer to do administrative tasks for them, and the authentication is tied to the specific instance they are working with (the database for that instance). I am trying to work out a way of letting them log into any instance with a single "master" login, which would require all of the instances to authenticate against the same server/source/whatever you call it.

I can only come up with two options: LDAP authentication against my Windows domain controller, or a separate database that any of the instances can connect to. I know either of these would require additional code work, which isn't a problem, and I have a good feel for what's involved in db authentication.

But I don't have a good feel for LDAP auth. How difficult is that to get working in TC 7.x?

I am also open to other suggestions that I might be missing.

An out-of-the-tomcat-box suggestion :

Install one front-end Apache httpd which does the authentication, then forwards to any of the back-end tomcats in function of the URL, via mod_jk.(*)
Configure the AJP Connector at the Tomcat side to say : 
mod_jk forwards to Tomcat (as part of the AJP protocol) the authenticated 
Apache user-id.
The above attribute in the Connector causes Tomcat to just accept this id as the user's already-authenticated id (which means that Tomcat won't double-check with whatever authentication backup it has already and uses normally).

LDAP authentication is quite standard in httpd, but if you have a limited number of user-ids who need to do that, you might even set this up with Basic Auth and a file back-end at the httpd level (**). As long as your Tomcats accept AJP connections only from the internal httpd front-end, and the users doing that are only internal users, this would not impact security.

(*) you can use mod_rewrite or even SetEnvIf at the httpd level, to trigger the proxying to the appropriate Tomcat, in function of the original requestd hostname e.g. (**) with this scheme, it does not really matter *how* Apache does the authentication, as long as it results in a user-id that is valid for the back-end Tomcat.
It does not even have to use the same password e.g.
The httpd password does not get forwarded to Tomcat, just the user-id.

It would even allow you to login to the Tomcats using real user-ids of the customer users, which may matter if different users have different roles or permissions.

Caveat and hand-washing : I have never tried this. It just popped up when I read your post and I imagined with terror having to modify some standard Tomcat component, or implement something which would leave holes in the customer Tomcat's security. But I am doing some things already in that area, which might be considered of a similar enough nature, and they work.

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