On 14 Mar 2015, at 3:43 PM, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> Changing the auth-type to CLIENT-CERT shows that the username has been 
> replaced by the subject-DN of the cert, which is progress.

Reverse engineering tomcat showed that the tomcatAuthentication parameter 
solved half the problem - when the webserver provided REMOTE_USER, this was 
used as the principal in the request, but as a side effect the role lookup was 
bypassed, and any web application using roles stopped working.

The attached patches for tomcat v7.0.x, tomcat v8.0.x and tomcat 9.0.x 
introduce the tomcatAuthorization flag:


The tomcatAuthorization flag, when true, takes the REMOTE_USER from the 
webserver, but ensures that all the role lookups occur as normal.

This means you can drop in a webserver in front of a tomcat hosted web 
application, and automatically the authn of the webserver will replace the 
authn in the web application, leaving the authz intact and working.

This solves my problem.


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