Rainer Jung wrote:
Am 22.04.2015 um 00:08 schrieb André Warnier:
The OP has a complex setup, where we are not even sure that the various
connections in various states are even related directly to Tomcat or not.
Graphically, we have this :

client <-- TCP --> nginx <-- TCP --> Tomcat <--> webapp <-- TCP -->
external servers

The output of netstat shows all the connections and their state, at the
OS level.  Even assuming that nginx runs on a separate host, that still
leaves the possibility that most of the connections in CLOSE_WAIT state
for example, would be connections between the webapps and external
servers, having not much to do with Tomcat per se.
But of course they use fd's and resources, just like the others. And for
"lsof", they would appear as "belonging" to the Tomcat process.

See my response from 1.5 days ago which contains the individual statistics for each of the above three "TCP" parts.

Yes, sorry Rainer, I did not read that as carefully as I should have.

And I do agree that the two main things which the OP should have a good look 
at, are
- the nginx settings for "keep-alive" (client-nginx side)
- the various webapp-to-external servers connections in CLOSE_WAIT state
Collectively, these things must be using a lot of resources on the server, and probably slow it down significantly.

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