I think it's because that you just enabled the "Auto Build" feature of
eclipse, so every time you changed your java source, eclipse built it
for you, and tomcat saw the class files changed and then reloaded that
context. But when you metioned "for my production", I guess that
machine do not have an eclipse and you just replaced the java source
without compiling it to /WEB-INF/classes and thus tomcat won't reload
your context. Did I get it?

2006/6/2, ks.foong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi, I notice that starting from Tomcat 5 onwards; we can enjoy the benefit
of the "Auto-reload" features of it.

I personally have tried it with my Eclipse development. Each time I have
changed any servlet coding, the eclipse (or more specific, Tomcat) able to
detect the changes and Reload for itself.

But for my production, I am not sure how this is work. I have replaced my
servlet, ProfileServlet.java to the
[CATALINA_HOME]/webapps/project/WEB-INF/src/com/servlet folder.

I login into my system; I didn't see any changes at all.

So, any ideas how can is this reload features work in production machine? Do
I need to issues any command for this?

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