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On 6/3/15 9:44 AM, Ray Holme wrote:
>> I'm curious as to why you are using hard links instead of
>> symlinks. If you copy a new file over a hard link, you un-couple
>> it from the rest of the series of hard links. If you do the same
>> with symlinks, the result is probably more what you were
>> expecting. There are other disadvantages with hard links
>> including not really knowing that it's a link (symlinks are
>> obvious) and they can't span across filesystems.
> Again correct, but for a while tomcat did not allow me to have 
> symbolic links (or I did not know about the way to overcome that
> in the xml file). In any case, I solved the problem with a shell
> script that makes sure the hard links are correct AFTER a complete 
> compilation set is done.

Okay. I think you just have to set allowLinking="true". I don't
understand the underlying reasons why Tomcat treats symlinks
specially... I'm used to using *NIX utilities where the presence of a
link (instead of a "real" file) isn't important unless you are
specifically looking for a link (e.g. using readlink() instead of read()

> The other problem (which may or may not be a problem - I have not
> tried in a while) is making a WAR file. I cannot have symbolic
> links then.

Inside the WAR or having the WAR as a symlnk? You should be able to
symlink WAR files, but you may have to have that allowLinking="true"
(though not in META-INF/context.xml, since that's /inside/ the WAR, of

> The target machine running the application just gets the WAR file
> and NOT the directory containing the assorted jars. But perhaps I
> should re-explore that one.

I'm not sure what you mean, the "target machine". Perhaps this is a
deployment issue and not a Tomcat one?

> And by the way, you can edit the hard link file AND all versions 
> change.

That's opening an existing file (inode) and changing the contents.
Hard links are references to inodes, so this isn't surprising.

> You can also "cat >file" and all hard links remain.

This depends upon how the shell treats output redirection. One can
truncate an existing file in-place, or one can delete the existing
file and replace it. The former will give you the behavior you
observe, while the latter will break your links (because you create a
new inode).

> It is ONLY when you move a file over one of the links that the
> hard links are unlinked. Curious!

cp will erase the existing file (well, the directory entry) and put
the new one into its place, rather than re-writing the file.

- -chris
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