Pascal Abaziou wrote:

I’m searching for the version that fixes a bug I’ve on a tomcat 6.0.24 (on 
As I do not reproduce it on my windows workstation with tomcat 6.0.44, I need 
elements to argue to upgrade to the sys admin.

So the bug : with a REST resource service implemented with Jersey, if there’s 
no method corresponding to a URI (under the hierarchy that Jersey should 
handle), Jersey raises a 404 NOT_FOUND error.

In 6.0.24, tomcat raises a 500 internal error.
In 6.0.44, tomcat propagates the 404 not found error.

As the sysadmin want to stay on version delivered by redhead, I need elements 
to motivate an update.

I’ve read the tomcat 6 changelog, but did not find when this was fixed.

You know, I don't want to discourage you, but..

Assuming even that this was a bug that was fixed on its own, and not some side-effect of some other change..

As you know, Tomcat is an open-source and free software, developed and supported by volunteers, who apart from their Tomcat involvement, all have a paying job which they do on the side.. This user's list is the same.

Tomcat 6.0.24 is at least 5 years old.
The current Tomcat version is 8.0.23.
Between these two, there are 5 years and probably close to 100 versions.
Some of these versions correct real bugs or security issues which could leave any lower version vulnerable to hacking.

The Tomcat developers, having a limited amount of time to dedicate to it, rather understandably prefer to spend this time working on and supporting the latest version, rather than very old ones.

All of this to say that unless there is a very strong incentive for someone to go and dig through the documentation and the code, your chances of getting real help on this apparently minor and peripheral issue, affecting an old version of Tomcat but not more recent ones, are really slim.

If your sysadmin does not understand the benefits of upgrading to a more recent version, rather than this very old one, then the problem is with him, not with you and not with the Tomcat developers. Maybe you should just take the change logs, starting with 6.0.44 and working back to 6.0.24, append them to one another, and send this to him as a token of what he is missing in terms of bug corrections and security fixes, by /not/ upgrading. And if he still does not understand the issue, or cannot give you a better reason to want to stay with 6.0.24, send the list to his boss.

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