> -----Original Message-----
> From: dku...@ccilindia.co.in [mailto:dku...@ccilindia.co.in]
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 7:46 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Tomcat hanged on window server 2012
> From:   Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net>
> To:     Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Date:   17-08-2015 18:32
> Subject:        Re: Tomcat hanged  on window server 2012
> Hash: SHA256
> Dear Chris,
> Thanks for the reply, our response to ur questions are highlighted in
> blue.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> On 8/17/15 7:13 AM, dku...@ccilindia.co.in wrote:
> > Our application worked fine on tomcat 8.0.22 on windows server 2003
> >  server. The tomcat server is restarted daily using a scheduler on
> >  shutdown.bat (at night) and startup.bat files (in the morning).
> I'm curious, why do you take-down your service overnight?
> 1.We have downtime for our website.
> > We have now upgraded our machine to windows server 2012 64 bit and
> > now facing some serious issues like the tomcat remains in hanged
> > stage( not responding state.).Once we restart the tomcat server,
> > everything works fine.And this happens only once in a day. After
> > the restart of tomcat,(manually by double click on shutdown.bat
> > file and startup.bat file)  it never repeats.
> When you manually run shutown.bat/startup.bat, what is the effective
> user? When the scheduler runs, what is the effective user? Perhaps the
> environment is not configured correctly for one or the other of those.
> 2. Manually clicking on the shutdown.bat file and letting it happen
> through a scheduler is done by the same user credentials.
Even though both methods may be using the same user-credentials, they are not 
run in the same environment. The task scheduler does not create a full user 
environment before launching the script. So there could still be some 

Q: why not implement it as a proper Windows service, using the native Commons 
Daemon wrapper which Apache readily provides?  Then you can use Windows "net 
service stop/start" commands to do the same thing?  If it still won't stop, you 
will need to check your code to see what thread(s) is not shutting down.

> > We have not found any error in all the relevant log files.
> >
> > We have made the below changes while migration. 1. java upgrade
> > from 1.7.0_40 to 1.8.0_25 2.Removed the tomcat-native.dll file from
> > the bin folder.
> Why did you remove tomcat-native.dll? You could use the 64-bit version
> instead of the 32-bit version if you'd like.
> 3. We have removed tomcat-native.dll file , because we were getting "
> org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR
> based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.32 using APR version 1.5.1."
> which
> was indicated as vullnerability by our security team. Also we are using
> NIO connector and not APR.
> > The configuration of new windows server 2012 is as follows: OS
> > Name:               Windows Server 2012-64 bit OS Version:
> > 6.2 java               1.8.0_25 (32 bit)
> >

I recommend going ahead and getting the full 64-bit versions of java and tomcat.
Having all moving parts at the same bitness can save some head-scratching.

> > However, we have observed the below error in the windows event
> > viewer log
> >
> > "A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This
> > may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol
> > defined fatal error code is 10. The Windows SChannel error state is
> > 10."
> Check
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd721886%28v=vs
> .85%29.aspx
> Error 10 is "unexpected message", which might happen if your client
> was trying to connect using SSLv3 or some other unsupported protocol.
> What does your <Connector> look like?
> 4. Our connector tag is as shown below.
>         <Connector protocol
> ="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
> port="XXX" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150"
>                                 minSpareThreads="25"
> enableLookups="false"
> disableUploadTimeout="true" acceptCount="100" scheme="https"
> secure="true"
>                                 clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
> sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1" SSLEnabled="true"
> allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation="false"
>                                 ciphers="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
> keystoreFile="XXXXX " keystorePass="XXXX" server=" ">
>         </Connector>
> > Is this error responsible for the hanging of tomcat server or Is it
> > due to absence of tomcat-native.dll file ??? or is there any other
> > reason why the tomcat server goes into hanging state ???
> A thread dump or two would be helpful:
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo#If_you_are_running_on_Microsoft_Wind
> ows
> What you say that Tomcat has "hung" what do you mean? Will it respond
> to HTTP requests? If you run shutdown.bat, will it shutdown cleanly,
> or do you have to kill the process?
> 5. Tomcat has "hung" means,the web page was not available and not
> responding for the end users .We had to kill it from the task manager as
> it was not shutting down using shutdown.bat file.
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
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> 2Zs6zTaZOaiR++PgkAgz
> =Hqri
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