Thanks Chris and David for reply. I did change the timeout values from 30
to 10.

I have some workflow kind of screens,but I do not store work flows fields
data in session. Session contains only attributes which are similar to ids.
All data is persisted in the mysql database and I get the data from the
database. I do have some performance issues with mysql,but that can wait
for sometime.

(I believe the default maximum is 10,000

I hope this should be for single instance of tomcat and If I use cluster,
this limit will not apply.

5K is my break even point for my app, So I think I can live with this
default. However it will be good to know if this limit can be changed

Sorry for delayed response, was bit held up firefighting in office.

- Kiran

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Kiran,
> On 9/13/15 8:40 PM, Kiran Badi wrote:
> >> Perhaps you should think about using a leaner session, and then
> >> sessions living for longer than necessary won't be such a big
> >> problem
> >
> > What do you mean by leaner session ? Storing less objects in
> > session or changing default timeout from 30 mins to something of
> > less value ?
> I mean storing a lower total number of bytes in the session. For
> instance, you can either store an Integer "id" for an object graph
> located in a database in the session, or you can store the whole
> object graph itself in the session. Storing only the id saves you a
> lot of memory but then you need to load the objects from the db to
> actually use them. Storing the object graph in the session makes your
> application faster, but it will consume much more memory.
> If you can afford the slow-down, then a single server can handle many
> more logged-in users if you store only the ids in the session.
> > I think got probable answer to my issue, I had overlooked the JSP
> > part, I have JSP's and by default JSP creates session, and this was
> > reason as why I was seeing thousands of session in my app.
> Perhaps. You should only create a session when necessary. An empty
> session does not take up much memory, but you should take care not to
> create too many of them (I believe the default maximum is 10,000).
> > Is their a way to kill the session after certain period of inactive
> > time where user is not doing anything on the site or I need to
> > adjust my timeout value ?
> The timeout value *is* the way to kill inactive sessions. It can be
> set in web.xml.
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
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> =oCoO
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