Does the tomcat jdbc pool use its own executor or does it share the executor 
that's calling it?  Reason I ask is the pool size is set to 320 but only 84 
show busy.  The default tomcatThreadPool executor has been removed from this 
config and executor with the name AJPThreadPool has been added for the ajp 
connections. The ajp thread pool is maxing out but unable to tell is it's the 
cause or effect. 

Server.xml config 
<Executor name="AJPThreadPool" namePrefix="ajp-" maxThreads="750" 
minSpareThreads="10" maxIdleTime="10000" prestartminSpareThreads="true"/> 

org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolExhaustedException: [ajp-693] Timeout: Pool 
empty. Unable to fetch a connection in 10 seconds, none available[size:320; 
busy:84; idle:0; lastwait:10000].

Apache Tomcat Version 7.0.55

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