Hello friends,

I would like to deploy multiple webapps(as of now 2,waiting for domain name
for 3rd) on a single Apache Tomcat instance. I have been partially
successful as one URL is working properly, other is not.

Situation :
1) I have created two folders called domain1_webapps  and domain2_webapps
and put the respective webapps named ROOT.war in each of them.
2) Then I configured server.xml as mentioned below.

 <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true"
        <Host name="www.domain-one.com" autoDeploy="true" unpackWARs="true"
        <Host name="www.domain-two.com" autoDeploy="true" unpackWARs="true"

Right now when I call www.domain-one.com( not domain-one.com), I get the
correct site. But for the 2nd one, I have to call

*How can I remove in 2nd domain the app_name context-path which is getting
appended. Kindly let me know. *

The ironical situation is I have not kept the app_name anywhere, guess
Tomcat must be retrieving it from POM.xml.

Reference question on SO :


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