Hello Experts:

Most of our business is running Tomcat 7.x.xx or later. But, we have a
business function of ours that is using Tomcat 5.0.xx. Unfortunately, this
is causing a lot of issues in terms of vulnerability remediation.

Apache Tomcat Servlet Host Manager Servlet Cross-Site Scripting

Apache Tomcat Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Apache Tomcat Accept-Language Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

Apache Tomcat JavaDoc Spoofing Vulnerability

Apache Tomcat 4, 5 and 6 Examples Web Application Multiple Cross-Site
Scripting Vulnerabilities

Apache Tomcat 4 and 5 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Calender
Application in JSP Examples

Apache Tomcat 5 Cross-Site Scripting in implicit-objects.jsp of "Examples"

Apache Tomcat Multiple Content Length Headers Information Disclosure

Apache Tomcat Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Manager and
Host Manager Web Applications

Apache Tomcat 4 and 5 Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

The above is what were are experiencing and we are running Crystal Report
as well.

Could someone please guide me in the most efficient way to upgrade?

My thought process is 5.0.xx to 5.5 then migration to 6 or 7? We are
running windows 2003. I’m not even sure if it will support it? I am unable
to find any process documents or guidance on how to go about the upgrade
process and which version could help us in vulnerability remediation. Could
someone please help me? This is extremely time sensitive to our business


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