On 2/12/16, 3:40 PM, "Tim Watts" <t...@cliftonfarm.org> wrote:

>On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 20:35 +0000, Dougherty, Gregory T., M.S. wrote:
>> You are correct, I¹m trying to authorize the web app, not the user.
>> Goal: I am trying to come up with a way for a Tomcat app to securely
>> and retrieve the password it needs to access a DB.
>> My definition of ³secure² includes ³there exist no files with an
>> unencrypted copy of the password².  IIUC, JNDI fails this test.
>> My requirements include that all web app components are checked in to a
>> source control system that malicious users can have read access to.
>> Solution:
>> 1: Trusted user creates public:private key pair (1), distributes public
>> 2: Web app developer creates pubic:private key pair (2), distributes
>> public key
>> 3: Web app developer encrypted password with private key 2, then public
>> key 1, stores with web app
>> 4: Web app calls decryption jar that¹s in tomcat/lib, passing in the
>> encrypted password from step 3
>> 5: Decryption code determines which app called it, pulls the public key
>> (3) saved for that app
>> 6: Decryption code decrypts with private key 1, public key 3, and
>> the unencrypted password.
>> So long as 1: Trusted user can store private key where it¹s secure, but
>> accessible to decryption code
>Since the webapps all run in the same tomcat and therefore under the
>same OS user account, how do you ensure that *only* the decryption code
>can access the private key?  Otherwise, any webapp could decrypt any
>other webapp's password.

I’m leaning towards having a web app that the sys admin uses to upload his
private key to the decryption code.  So long as we have a “setPrivateKey
()” and no “getPrivateKey ()” a malicious user can break everyone, but
can’t extract anything.
Gregory Dougherty
Sr. Analyst/Programmer | Information Technology
Information Technology
(507) 284-8493 | dougherty.greg...@mayo.edu

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