On 10.04.2016 22:14, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 4/7/16 11:24 AM, Saurav Maulick wrote:
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 6:11 AM, André Warnier (tomcat)
<a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

On 07.04.2016 00:14, Saurav Maulick wrote:

Hi All,

I am using tomcat 5.5.28.

Before anything else, you do realise that Tomcat 5.5 was archived
in 2012, do you ? And that the people developing Tomcat, as well
as the experts available on this users list, are volunteers who
do this on their own time ?

The current released version is Tomcat 8.0.33.

I am pointing this out, to stress the fact that not many people
here - if any - would even still have a running version of Tomcat
5.5 (and java 1.4), where they could even start looking at your

I would suggest that you first update to a more recent version of
Tomcat (and Java), and retry it all, to see if the problem still
exists. Look here : http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html

I know that current Tomcat version is 8.0.33, but upgrading tomcat
is not possible for our application as our application code is not
Java 1.7 comparable and updating code involves lots of time and

I've rarely seen an application that didn't compile with few or zero
changes with an updated version of Java. Same thing with the servlet
spec (although some questionable decisions from the servlet EG lead to
slightly different behavior).

Have you simply tried deploying your existing web application on
Tomcat 6, 7, or even 8? It's practically free to try (just spending
your own time), so why not give it a try? Tomcat 5.5 and the JVM you
are likely running it on have publicly-known vulnerabilities and
weaknesses and missing features that are likely making its continued
use a risk for both you and your clients.

On the internet I didn`t find much help about creating windows
services (apart from
  hence I request in this forum. Also, I believe below settings are
same for all the Tomcat versions.

Yes, the settings are the same for (almost) all Tomcat versions.

I have a problem, when we run the tomcat`s node from console it is
working fine, but when we run it from windows services we have
found that application is not able to handle UTF8 encoding.

Specifically, what does "not able to handle UTF8 encoding" mean in
your case? The JVM handles the actual encoding, and it does a pretty
good job. What is it that's not working?

I addition to Christopher's question above, some info :

Assuming that you are using a standard "Tomcat as Windows Service" installation, the main difference between running Tomcat as a Service and running it in a console is :
- in a console, Tomcat runs as the user under which you are logged-in for that 
console session
- as a Service, Tomcat will run under the special Windows "LocalSystem" (or "LocalService") user account.
(unless you have manually changed this under the Windows Service Manager)

If the behaviour in those 2 cases is different, then I would first look at the "environment variables" differences between these 2 cases.
(In the console, enter the "set" command to see those).

Another difference is this :
a) read : http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/Windows#Q11
(really read this, to understand what you are doing)
b) run the "tomcat5w.exe" program, and check the Java tab. Verify that the Java Options listed there, are really the same as the ones which are used when you run Tomcat from a console.

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