Am 06.05.2016 um 14:11 schrieb Stefan Frei:
> Tomcat 8.0.33
> Debain jessie
> java 8
> Hello
> i cannot find any resources how to set configure the for a
> production environment.
> Does somebody have some tips?
*How* to set them?

CATALINA_OPTS="-your -parameters -here"

*Which* ones to set?

It depends. Some applications are memory bound, some are CPU- or I/O
bound. You want to check your applications and user profiles, then make
an initial guess (e.g. about memory settings). Monitor the running
system and ideally have a load test.
In that load test:

* Identify bottleneck #1
* Fix it
* Measure again
* Find out that bottleneck #2 has been promoted to #1
* Rinse/Repeat.

There are no serious recommendation for initial settings as every
application has a different profile.

Generic tipps though:

* Make -Xmx the same as -Xms (to allocate all memory immediately - no
use to run out of OS memory sunday night at 3:00, rather detect this
condition upon server start)
* Make sure you're not using virtual memory (swap space) if you care for
* Start with "minimum memory" for your application / load profile, add a
safety margin - rather than starting with the available RAM and
subtracting a safety margin: You want garbage collection to be
relatively often but quick - rather than rarely and with long duration.

Hope that helps,

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