*Linux version:*  2.6.32-279.5.2.el6.x86_64 (
mockbu...@c6b10.bsys.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat
4.4.6-4) (GCC) )
*Java Version:  *1.7.0_55
*Tomcat Version: *7.0.40
*Session Timeout: *30 minutes

Two of our servers reached max heap and we had to restart to resolve the

In troubleshooting, we noticed Http Sessions had stopped expiring 05/12th
and reached 25K over a period of 11 days. I noticed the same behavior in
both servers, the session expiration seem to have stopped on both of them
around the same time. I'm saying this because from looking at the
monitoring graphs (NewRelic) I notice the http sessions starting to climb
on both servers around the same time frame.

I am thinking, the issue could be two folds:
#1 - The session expiration stopped working -OR
#2 - The sessions themselves were created with TTLs way into the future

I suspected #1. I looked that tomcat 7.0.40 source code, extracted all
session/manager error messages and searched for them in the logs and didn't
find any hits. I was hoping to find something about "Session expiration
stopped working", but didn't find any.

Can you please advise how to troubleshoot this issue? I'd very much
appreciate the help.


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